Owner Builders

Step 7: Your Role as the Project Manager

This is step 7 in a 10 step process uncovering whether Owner Building is right for you. Acting as the project manager for the construction of your own home sounds a lot more professional and difficult than it really is.… Continue Reading…

Building GuidelinesHome RenovationOwner Builders

Vacant Land Liability Guide

Do you own land? Arrange the right Insurance! If you own land, perhaps a block awaiting a house to be constructed it is possible that a person may enter it and hurt themselves. The law requires you as the owner,… Continue Reading…

Builders Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance for Builders

PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY BASIS OF COVERAGE DEFINITION Professional Services shall mean one or more of the following services conducted by or on behalf of the Named Insured: design, including advice in relation to design, in accordance with all relevant building, construction or… Continue Reading…

Owner Builders

Owner Building Step 2 – Overcoming the Challenges of Owner Build Financing

This is step 2 in a 10 step process uncovering whether Owner Building is right for you. Every journey begins with a single step, and now that you’ve moved on from realising how possible it really is to be an… Continue Reading…

Home Renovation

How to Diagnose and Eradicate Water Hammer in Your Home

Water hammer is a fairly common occurrence in residential properties. What a lot of homeowners don’t realise is that banging or thumping water lines in your walls is a potentially serious issue, not just a simple annoyance. At the very… Continue Reading…

Health and Safety

The Uninsured Handyman: A risky venture that’s not worth the gamble

If you turn on the telly these days, it’s plain to see that DIY home improvements are all the rage across Australia. But contrary to what reality shows would have you believe, not everyone is born with natural do-it-yourself abilities.… Continue Reading…

Owner Builders

Step 9: Learn to Cut the Right Corners

This is step 9 in a 10 step process uncovering whether Owner Building is right for you. Nowhere in life does the old adage “you get what you pay for” ring truer than in residential construction. From tiles to timber… Continue Reading…

Owner Builders

Step 8: Navigating the Building Stages

This is step 8 in a 10 step process uncovering whether Owner Building is right for you. In our last post we covered an owner builder’s role as project manager. Now that you’re pumped up to take on the job,… Continue Reading…

Owner Builders

Step 6: Protecting What Matters Most, Looking at Insurance

This is step 6 in a 10 step process uncovering whether Owner Building is right for you. Accidents happen. Mistakes are made. The unplanned becomes reality. Make it your rule, before you break ground on any new build or renovation… Continue Reading…

Construction Insurance

Owner Builders

Step 5: Keeping it legal. Your responsibilities as an owner builder.

This is step 5 in a 10 step process uncovering whether Owner Building is right for you. As an owner builder you will be subject to the same legal obligations as a full time building practitioner. As such, it’s a… Continue Reading…